Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Goodbye Santa Barbara!

After two wonderful weeks, it was time to say congratulations, goodbye, and head down to San Diego for our "Grand Finale". We had a very special going away party with the host families with Completion Certificates, a live performance from our students, and an amazing birthday celebration! A very special night we will all remember.

Lucia Coletta and some of the students' certificates.

"Surfing USA" An amazing performance!!

Our local high school English Helpers. These charming girls joined us for many excursions to help the students meet some locals. Thanks girls for all that you did to help!

Goodbye University of California, Santa Barbara!

Certificates for Coppo's Group!

What a fantastic group of students!! What a sad day when it was time for Laura Coppo's group to leave! We wish you could have stayed one more week! What a special time we had together! Congratulations on a job well done! And thanks to the fantastic teachers who taught you!

Disneyland, Sea World, & Universal Studios!!

Wow!! The Santa Barbara group saw every major amusement park in California in only two fast weeks! What special memories they will always carry with them!!

Disneyland Fireworks over the Enchanted Castle!

Adventure Land Boat ride :)

SeaWorld!! Yeah!

Penguins in San Diego ?

Universal Studios!

Our Beautiful Leaders!!

Whoo hoo!!

Lookin' good!
